Built-in Subroutine Reference
procedure print txt
Writes txt to the output area, followed by a newline.
procedure write txt
Writes txt to the output area, and does not add a newline.
procedure clear
Removes all text from the output window.
procedure append list, item
Adds item to the end of list.
function not(x)
Returns the logical opposite of x.
That is, if x is true, return false,
and if x is false, return true.
If x is a value other than true or false,
an error will occur.
function odd(x)
Returns true if x is odd.
function even(x)
Returns true if x is even.
function round(x)
Returns x rounded to the nearest integer.
function numeric(x)
Returns true unless x is NaN.
function number(x)
Returns the number corresponding to x. For example, number("3.14") = 3.14.
Returns NaN if the text does not look like a number.
function random(x, y)
Returns a random number in the between x and y, inclusive on both ends.